Privacy Policies

Privacy Policy for WRMC

Thank you for visiting the website of WRMC. Your privacy is important to us, and we are committed to transparently managing the limited information we collect. This Privacy Policy outlines how we handle the data collected when you visit our website.

  1. Information We Collect:
  2. We collect the following types of information:

    • Web Cookies and Cache: Our website uses cookies and browser cache to enhance your browsing experience. You can manage your cookie preferences through brower's settings.

    • Voluntary Information: If you choose to share your name, email, and mobile number, we collect this information for the purpose of medical assistant, contacting you for appointment scheduling or sending relevant updates.

  3. Use of Information:
  4. We use the collected information for statistical analysis, website improvement, and, if provided voluntarily, for the specified purposes mentioned during data collection.

  5. Protection of Information:
  6. We take measures to ensure the security of the information collected, including encrypted connections and secure storage.

  7. Third-Party Disclosure:
  8. We do not sell, trade, or otherwise transfer your personally identifiable information to third parties unless we provide you with advance notice or are required to do so by law.

  9. Cookies and Tracking Technologies:
  10. Our website uses cookies for session management, preferences. You can manage your cookie preferences through browser's settings.

  11. User Rights:
  12. If you provide your information voluntarily, you have the right to access, correct, or request deletion of your personal data. Please contact us at to exercise these rights.

  13. Data Retention:
  14. We do not retain any personal information for any reason, unless you provided voluntarily

  15. Updates to the Privacy Policy:
  16. This Privacy Policy may be updated. The last revision was on [Oct 22, 2023]. Check this page for the latest version.

  17. Contact Information:
  18. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this Privacy Policy, please contact us at